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Dictionary Search Results using Damerau-Levenshtein distance in T-SQL

Here are the results of your fuzzy-string dictionary search forxu” with Change Limit: [1]

(Change Limit cannot be increased to the length of your word, because then every letter could be different!)
to automatically search another random word after seconds.

4 similar words found! Changes to Transform each Found Word to your word are shown as:
 remove a letter ~ replace a letter ~ swap two letters ~ _add a letter from your word
(Use the links in the Changes column to see more Transformation details.)

Found WordScrabble ScoreSearched PreviouslyFound PreviouslyChangesTo Transform to your Word

Search took 1 second overall (including website activity, plus SQL activity in the following phases):

  1. Length Filter: Limit the application of DLD to words with length difference of no more than the Change Limit.
  2. DLD Change Limit: Apply DLD to each remaining word, limiting each comparison according to the Change Limit.
  3. Display Results: Return the results, with similar words marked up to highlight differences.
SeqSearch PhaseWords CheckedWords MatchedSecondsWords Per Sec
1Length Filter17869111160.0463884587.0
2DLD Change Limit111640.01669750.0
3Display Results440.000 
 (SQL Overall)17869140.0622882112.9